How ValueAligned® Can Help

Invest in Stocks of Great Companies

Over the past decades, we’ve worked with thousands of investors and learned that even some CPAs, CFOs, and other financial professionals don’t know the first thing about how to choose stocks.


Lacking number-crunching skills is usually not a problem in most people’s daily lives. But it could pose a major threat to their retirement.

Our founder has a Columbia MBA in finance and has managed multi-million-dollar hedge funds. You can trust that we know what we’re doing when it comes to choosing stocks of great companies.

Eliminate Hidden Fees

Most mutual funds contain hidden fees that can result in millions lost during decades of investing.

A few of them are legitimate, such as the investment advisory fees paid for your advisor to recommend the best funds for you to buy. Other fees are less defensible, such as sales loads (sales charges and commissions for buying and selling funds) and administrative fees. Not to mention fees to help your fund manager market her products so that her mutual fund company can make even more money!

Most people complain about $2 ATM transaction fees — think about how much they are paying in hidden mutual fund fees!

How is More Important than When

It's nice to think that you can calculate when you can retire. But those calculations can do more harm than good if they cause you to retire too soon without a way to generate enough income to maintain your lifestyle. The "how" is much more important than the "when".

Having sufficient income during retirement is what matters most. And in the vast majority of cases, the best prescription for sufficient income is to own stocks of great companies, purchased when they were "on sale".

Once you've set that process in place, you can then start thinking about "when can I retire?"

Minimize Taxes

Separately managed accounts.

That phrase might not mean much to you, but it could mean a lot to your wallet.

The inability to separate accounts is the reason that people have to pay taxes on capital gains even when they lose money in their mutual fund.

With separately managed accounts, your stocks are owned by you directly, kept track of separately, and you pay taxes on only the realized gains on the individual stocks. This is a huge benefit because it allows us to pick, choose, and time when taxable income is incurred.

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